Hazlet Youth Athletic League is run by volunteers. Without you, this program would not exist.
Through the hard work and dedication of these volunteers, we are able to provide the youth of Hazlet with many different sports programs to enjoy.
Head Coach
Become familiar with the league; communication & organization of practices and schedule with the players and parents;
instill safety in the game; be in charge of equipment; instill confidence in the players; select assistant coach if not provided for you;
lead by example; treatment of players with respect and treat players equally by creating fair lineups, rosters;
teaching players to cope with defeat as well as victory and help in the development of players,
and teach players sportsmanship in a competitive environment.
Assistant Coach
Will help the head coach with practices, drills, communicate with parents and help in the development of players,
and teach players sportsmanship in a competitive environment.
Committee member
The Hazlet Youth Athletic League is always looking for volunteers to be part of the all of the committees.
Ask the Sports Commissioner of that specific sport about any open opportunities
Snack Bar Captain
Assist with the opening and closing of the Snack Bar. Appointed by the Snack Bar Commissioners.
Please contact the Snack Bar Commissioner to ask about any open opportunities.
Field Maintenance
Assist the Football, Baseball and Softball Commissioners in the maintenance of the fields located at the HYAL Complex.
Opportunities are also available to be part of the Executive Board. To be considered to be for the positions of President,
Executive Director, Treasurer, Secretary, and six Trustees of the Executive Board, one must first be a member of the
Hazlet Youth Athletic League and have attended a minimum of 6 general membership meetings in the 12 months prior
to the vote to be allowed to run for the position. Any member with 4 general membership meetings in the 12 months prior
to a vote is granted a right to vote at election time and on any general membership vote.
All Sports Commissioners are appointed executive board positions.
Please join us at our monthly membership meetings listed below and help us provide the best sports experience for your children.
HYAL General Membership Meeting - 8:15pm
In Person - HYAL Clubhouse - 94 Hazlet Avenue
Zoom link for meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 6548 9300
· General Meeting - Fourth Monday of the month 8:15PM
Monday, January 27, 2025 – In Person
Monday, February 24, 2025– Zoom
Monday, March 24, 2025 – In Person
Monday, April 28, 2025– Zoom
Monday, May 26, 2025 – In Person
Monday, June 23, 2025– Zoom
Monday, July 28, 2025 – In Person
Monday, August 25, 2025– Zoom
Monday, September 22, 2025 – In Person
Monday, October 27, 2025– Zoom
Monday, November 24, 2025 – In Person
Monday, December 22, 2025– Zoom